“The effects of an injury vary from person to person. For instance, if there is a car accident involving a young athlete and a retired elderly woman, and the athlete loses a limb, they would experience far greater financial, emotional, and psychological pain and suffering than the elderly woman, who is no longer working.”
- For the People
“A reasonable approach is to use either the multiplier method or the per diem method to get a ballpark figure […] Then consider whether there were additional circumstances that might increase or decrease that amount.”
- All Law
“[…] most cases settle within a few months to a few years after the lawsuit commences.”
- Curtis Lee
“We were born and raised on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and we care about the people of our community. If you have been seriously injured, lost a loved one, or are facing financial injustice, we can help."
-Jim Wetzel, Founder”
©2025 Wetzel Law Firm
James K. Wetzel is licensed in Mississippi. Garner J. Wetzel is licensed in Mississippi and Louisiana.
Free background information available upon request. Wetzel Law Firm on the Internet |